The celebration of Samhain (pronounced in proper Gaelic: "sow-in") came from the Celtic peoples many centuries ago.
At Samhain, the Sun God, who died at Mabon (September 23) returns to the Great Mother, and awaits his rebirth at Yule.
In the mundane world, life is recycling, plants die and decay, returning nutrients to the soil that will bring life again in spring.
To read a very informative article on Samhain, visit one of my favorite resources.
At Samhain, the Sun God, who died at Mabon (September 23) returns to the Great Mother, and awaits his rebirth at Yule.
In the mundane world, life is recycling, plants die and decay, returning nutrients to the soil that will bring life again in spring.
To read a very informative article on Samhain, visit one of my favorite resources.